Web Resizer changes the size and format of your digital images to make them suitable for web publishing. It can also be used to enhance your source files by applying contrast, brightness, and sharpness correction, as well as limited colour effects. You can load any JPEG, PNG, WMF, BMP, JPEG 2000, or PCX image, and save it as PNG or JPG, both individually or using its batch capabilities.
Its attractive browser will show you thumbnails of all the images in the selected folder only when you tell the program to do so – contrary to what other programs do, Web Resizer will not load the images in a folder in your system memory just because you have selected it. The program will also show you, this time in a bigger window, a preview of either the source image or the processed output file.
Web Resizer goes beyond the average image-resizing software. One of its many extra features lies in its editing functionality, which allows you to improve the brightness, sharpness, and contrast of the original photograph with very simple settings, or to add sepia and black and white effects to your images. You decide on the level of quality of the output file, creating progressing JPEG images, or 8-bit and 24-bit PNG files.
The program also includes interesting output options, like the possibility of inserting your own text on every image, renaming your files by adding prefixes or suffixes, or rotating the images before saving.